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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

UNIQSO Dolly Eye Nudy Green Review

Dolly Eye Celeb Super Nudy Green

Long time no blog... Oops! I've been meaning to make more blog entries, but I haven't had the time to blog... But that'll hopefully be over soon!

Anyway, I was finally able to get my first pair of circle lenses. I chose a green in hoping that it will mix well with my hazel eyes, but I'm feeling like a brown might work better.

Sorry for the lack of makeup orz

The first picture is a comparison of with/without lenses. These are smaller on the diameter scale, but as I'm not used to contacts I had some problems getting them in.

This second picture is how they look with the flash on, so you can see the mixing of the colours.

I found these lenses to be incredibly comfortable. I only wore them for about two hours ((you're supposed to start at two hours and then add two more every day in a row you wear them to avoid irritation from the cut off oxygen to your eyes)), and they never bothered me once! I was able to put on my makeup and everything without any difficulties of them moving or falling out.

Also another good point, they're really easy to get out. I got them out on one try ((which is saying something for me and my horrible background with contact lenses...))

I'm hoping to be able to wear these again soon when my mom gets back from Norway and I can go get my white eyeliner that I forgot... I'll make sure to post more pictures as soon as I can!

Until next time, bye bye!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Diamond Lash Review


I recently ordered a new pair of top lashes, and thought I'd review them!

Diamond Lash

They're $11.42, and took about sixteen days to send, which is rather quick. 

There are five lashes that come in a small plastic package that can double as a case. This case is wrapped in bubblewrap, and placed inside another package with the shipping information.

They're incredibly long, with an alternating pattern of crossed pieces and longer, blockier pieces. I had to cut off a little bit so they'd fit on my eyes right, but it wasn't too much. 

They  fit well to the eye, and are incredibly comfortable. They're very dramatic, so they're definitely not for someone who's trying to stick to a more natural look.

These would most likely look fantastic with circle lenses (which I hope to get someday soon). If you wear glasses, you may have a problem with these, as they hit the lenses unless they're a bit farther down your nose than usual.




LOOK: 5/5

OVERALL: 4.5/5

Thanks for reading, see you next time!

Thursday, January 1, 2015



First, I'd like to mention that I was in my friend's video here! It's just us being silly for the most part, but it's fun!

Second, Happy (late) Holidays and Happy New Year!

Once I get my room cleaned up and a filming space, I'm going to start up my YouTube channel, and make two videos for now- an introduction/about me video, and a small Christmas/Holiday video.

And finally, my actual post!

2014 hasn't been to different than any other years for me. So here is a nice (but rather silly) little timeline!


    • My friend danced along to "Let It Go" in the Disney store. Was then applauded by the entirety of the store (including the employees).
    • Made about eighty chip flavours for the Lays contest.


    • Edited my face onto a picture of all my friends when they hung out without me for the billionth time
    • Accidentally changed my Facebook into Greek
    • Began my Anna cosplay for Animeland Wasabi
    • Cosplayed Rose Lalonde from Homestuck to Animeland Wasabi (February 28th)


    • Cosplayed Princess Anna from Frozen to Animeland Wasabi (March 1st). It's not my best, but for my first handmade one I was pretty proud.
    • Cosplayed (98%) Dave Strider to Animeland Wasabi. No pictures because it was honestly terrible.
    • Began dyeing my hair weird colours. I've dyed my hair before, but only with other colours. Started off as pastel pink here.

    • Highest score on my Anatomy test in my class. Very proud.
    • Gross bullying in my English class.
    • Went to my first prom! Honestly I was a terrible prom date.
    • Took the ACT.


    • Began using makeup as more of a creative outlet rather than to just cover up everything I was insecure about.
    • Scored at the Gold Medal Level in the National German Exam- better than 93% of the United States.
    • Ended my Junior year.


    • Start of summer break.
    • Got my ACT scores back- overall of a 28, which is rather good.

    • Went to the Summer Studio at the Art Institute. It's loads of fun, I would highly recommend it (especially if you have someone that can go with you).
    • Birthday Selfie
    • Incredible jealously of those at San Diego Comic Con.

    • Spent a weekend at Steamboat Springs. Relatively okay.
    • Turned seventeen. Dancing queen.
    • Ice Bucket Challege. 
    • Started my Senior year of high school.
    • Started this blog.

    • Cosplayed Gou Matsuoka from Free! to NanDesuKan. Until I got horribly sick.
      • Ended up on the Crunchyroll Instagram!
    • My friend caught a bee in a bag. That was pretty cool.

Lavender hair.

    • Actually started posting on this blog.
    • My mom and stepdad got married.
    • Asexual Awareness week. Didn't really effect anything, but I was happy to find out that it exists.
    • Did my Creepy-Cute makeup for Halloween.

    • Dyed my hair and extensions lavender.

    • Went to the German Christmas Market on a field trip.
    • Applied to one of the colleges I'm looking at.
    • Christmas!
    • Dyed my hair dark purple.
    • Sleepover/Babysitting New Years Eve.
For those of you who do read my blog, thanks for sticking with me these few months it's been! I hope you all have a wonderful 2015!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Gou Matsuoka Cosplay Review


Finally, I'm getting around to my cosplay review! Sorry it's taken so long!

To see more detailed photos, click here for the Facebook album!
To see my photoshoot, click here for the Facebook album!

Gou Matsuoka Cosplay

I ordered this on August 17th for $65, plus $15 shipping. I received it on September 14th. I made sure to check the size chart before ordering!

 It came in large, sealed plastic packaging, with another plastic wrapping inside. The inner wrapping had the logo of the company on it.

Inside, I got:

  • Brown skirt
  • White button-up shirt
  • Light grey sweater
  • Grey blazer
  • Red bow (with a safety pin), and
  • Blue socks

I took a picture between each layer so everyone can see how the different pieces fit!

First, I put on the shirt, bow, skirt, and socks.

The skirt fit comfortably, and it has a zipper/hook and eye back closure. The shirt was a little baggy and slightly see through, so I may end up going and finding another one. The bow is good and secure. The socks on the other hand aren't too good. They're sewn just like tubes without a heel, and they're too loose so they don't fit. I'm definitely going to buy different ones.

The next layer is the sweater. When I was shopping for my cosplay, I wanted one that had the sweater with it (which was surprisingly rare). This sweater is super comfy. It has three snap closures on the inside, so no actual buttoning is involved. The bottom two buttons have no closures, so they sit open. The bow sits over the sweater without any difficulty.

The final layer is the blazer! It has padded shoulders, so it has the perfect silhouette. On top of the sweater and shirt, it may get a little warm at cons when it's super crowded. For the most part, though, it fits comfortably without complications.

FIT: 4/5



LOOK: 5/5

OVERALL: 4.5/5

All in all, I'd recommend this cosplay!

I'll see you next time ;u;!

To see more detailed photos, click here for the Facebook album!
To see my photoshoot, click here for the Facebook album!

Iwatobi Swim Jacket Review

Hello once again!

I know I've uploaded nonstop reviews, so sorry if that's not your cup of tea.

So anyway... I went to NDK (NanDesuKan) in Denver back in Septrember. Sadly enough, I got sick on Saturday and had to go home before the second Free! photoshoot, but I was able to go to the first one on the Friday! And of course... My full cosplay finally got delivered on Saturday afternoon.

So because of that, I have an Iwatobi swim jacket to review!

Iwatobi Swim Jacket!

 It shipped in nice packaging, and was on sale at the time so I got free shipping!

It was in an outer package that was of a lot tougher material, and then the jacket itself was encased in another plastic bag itself.

It was clean and had no damages, and was really nice quality!

It's normally $30.00, but I got it when it was on sale, so only $15.00! For both prices it's super

It's super comfortable, not too warm but also keeps you warm if it's chilly out like it was that weekend.

The only complaints I would have is the zipper is a little cheap feeling, and gets stuck when fully zipped on occasion. Also, the "Iwatobi" on the back is slightly shifted to the right. 
Otherwise, I definitely recommend it!

FIT: 5/5



LOOK: 5/5


To see more detailed photos, click here for the Facebook album!
To see my photoshoot, click here for the Facebook album!